
The purpose of the Auxiliary is directly aligned with the goal of the National Montford Point Marine Association; National Montford Point Marine Association, Auxiliary; and Maryland Chapter #17 to preserve the military history and traditions of United States Marine Corps and provide moral support to veterans and its fighting forces worldwide. “Educate the public” regarding observances, ceremonies, and events of interest to Marine veterans of all war eras. Also, the Auxiliary provides scholarships to students seeking higher education.

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Monthly Meeting

Third Saturday of the Month beginning @ 1300

DIAL IN: 646 876 9923 MEETING ID: 462 474 9270 PASSWORD: 030384

We are family members and supporters who embody the foundation of our Montford Point Marines. We are focused on supporting those wives, husbands, fathers, daughters & sons who have served in the Armed Forces

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We are always seeking highly motivated and dedicated people who are willing to join and volunteer their time in supporting a prestigious organization that is always striving to give back to its communities throughout this nation.